Under construction

I am adjusting this blog now. Of course, There is no regulation in this work. How are you? <3 Finally, I can see the prospects in the activities of the MAGDALENA. Well, I'm going to need the people always, I think it's the my karma. maybe;p this time, If the conditions are right, I will return to Secondlife. This statement is located on a short-term view. But, demons....BjD fell to the ground. behind the times. If you love my sense of beauty and Japan, this is not small story. I know, You have the right to let me down. 奴らがいないことをこれほど心許ないと感じたことはなかったな 取り合えず、今回の件に関してあまりに心細いから問答無用で戻って来い(ニッコリ I can share last dreams with you. Change...

[BjD] Skull Mask.

New mask was released. Well, this is lazy up date. This mask is mod and copy OK. Therefore, you can try color change and other. In this regard, please do not forget that I can not support you. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BjD-Skull-Mask/5186495 マテリアルも読み込ませるべきだったか。 ...


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