Jewelry box and Ashtray

I feel reality as has been similar to Second Life by the 3D printer. Has become easy to move for me, but I thought-provoking. Stop talking is difficult, my jewelry box and ashtray. Indeed, this is BjD. but, not enough. I made this in the 2nd them. In a nutshell, I now have blurring like a zombie. [BjD] Customer's gallery Yeah, good work. This would be appropriate to call the Second generation. Really fantastic. If when matched, we would have worked together. Alternatively, please learn the alter ego. I want you in the platoon scale. lol c...

Work #04 finished.

Good work, I fall in love to my sense. Brass is a nice material in me. But, Exports to other countries is not possible yet. If it will be possible, then it is very fantastic. To be learned is often me. 日本人なら、Demons(旧BjD支持者)なら「取り合えず買っておけ」と言う出来に仕上がりました。いや、素で言える場って素晴らしいですね?(笑) 恐らく、非常に感慨深い買い物に成ると思います。 装いとして考えれば用いれるシーンは限られてしまう物の、鑑賞物としての存在価値は小さくない出来です。 少しでも琴線に触れ得る方にとっては、「宝物」と云う観念を思い出させるでしょう。 and, next works! えっと、BjDは....維持を失念し再度喪失しました(笑 Well,,,about BjD, I forgot to maintain and Relosted BjD. lol SEE YOU...

Like a finish?

Long time no see. Are you doing well? Of course, I hope so. Okay, So my recent report. This ring reflected yellow、It is due to the immature my shooting skills. And, Next ring. In Progress. ...

Under construction

I am adjusting this blog now. Of course, There is no regulation in this work. How are you? <3 Finally, I can see the prospects in the activities of the MAGDALENA. Well, I'm going to need the people always, I think it's the my karma. maybe;p this time, If the conditions are right, I will return to Secondlife. This statement is located on a short-term view. But, demons....BjD fell to the ground. behind the times. If you love my sense of beauty and Japan, this is not small story. I know, You have the right to let me down. 奴らがいないことをこれほど心許ないと感じたことはなかったな 取り合えず、今回の件に関してあまりに心細いから問答無用で戻って来い(ニッコリ I can share last dreams with you. Change...

[BjD] Skull Mask.

New mask was released. Well, this is lazy up date. This mask is mod and copy OK. Therefore, you can try color change and other. In this regard, please do not forget that I can not support you. マテリアルも読み込ませるべきだったか。 ...

Keep dance

The Simple is always not easy. For beginners like me, it is a very large wall. Day and night, pouring love against skull. It may be said that it's almost crazy. 女性に囲まれてキャッキャしたいです。 Well, We are long time no see each other. I would hope,  would like to reunite with you soon. But, The time is not enough. 2years, 3years, or 4years, I could just keep work hard. Reality is very boring, but there have many dreams. Has established a goal there, I'm going to go to look at the your smile near future. Dear Demons. My brother and sisters. Near future, I might need you guys again.  ah,...


It's very disappointing. I wanted to avoid the longmodeling to length. However, this is not bad. the MAGDALENA needs more lineup. As you know, Kurohi Dagger is the workaholic. Summer visit to Japan, I will indeed fall over this Summer. And, Regard to the Second Life. Significant downsizing. I wait for the flexible implementation of special prims. Future, I will not to be store management in that virtual world. The respect and gratitude for all karmic connectio...

Release in Real life.

Finally, I got to the start line. Because in this case I'm so inexperience, I'm not possible for overseas activities For a while. not easy, but so fun. Ha. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. I got BjD and MAGDALENA with the your help. I would thrive on that nurture them. THANK YOU SO MUCH. ...

What are BjD's aims?

「BjD Do not return to Second Life activities?」 I will certainly return to Second Life. I plan to use Second Life as a place of my exhibition. BjD has a quirky management style in Second Life. Where is a dream? "Dream in between reality and reality." Where is a reality? "it's here." if shadow is going to be free from the light it is the nothing, the nothing is not a shadow. when you say "secondlife is secondlife" it is not you in this idea. we are not virtual in a nutshell. BjD is not virtua...

Polish and Polish

"The Impossible does not exist for me." Originaly, i did not thought so. However, i will have to be conceited if it is so smooth. giggles Well, I never thought in my life "can not". In the near future, I would let go of this pendant as the limited edition. Finally, I started the work to be proud of me. ...

[BjD] The Pig's-soul fall in the hell.

Well, this product is a simply a accessory. No script. but...............e..enjo...

the Prototype was completed.

I will make the request of the castings on Monday. ...


My problem is "How do I keep Second Life". Secondlife promotion for me is very tiresome. Well, I will release the Pig that in the near future. ...


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