Jewelry box and Ashtray

I feel reality as has been similar to Second Life by the 3D printer. Has become easy to move for me, but I thought-provoking. Stop talking is difficult, my jewelry box and ashtray. Indeed, this is BjD. but, not enough. I made this in the 2nd them. In a nutshell, I now have blurring like a zombie. [BjD] Customer's gallery Yeah, good work. This would be appropriate to call the Second generation. Really fantastic. If when matched, we would have worked together. Alternatively, please learn the alter ego. I want you in the platoon scale. lol c...

Work #04 finished.

Good work, I fall in love to my sense. Brass is a nice material in me. But, Exports to other countries is not possible yet. If it will be possible, then it is very fantastic. To be learned is often me. 日本人なら、Demons(旧BjD支持者)なら「取り合えず買っておけ」と言う出来に仕上がりました。いや、素で言える場って素晴らしいですね?(笑) 恐らく、非常に感慨深い買い物に成ると思います。 装いとして考えれば用いれるシーンは限られてしまう物の、鑑賞物としての存在価値は小さくない出来です。 少しでも琴線に触れ得る方にとっては、「宝物」と云う観念を思い出させるでしょう。 and, next works! えっと、BjDは....維持を失念し再度喪失しました(笑 Well,,,about BjD, I forgot to maintain and Relosted BjD. lol SEE YOU...

Like a finish?

Long time no see. Are you doing well? Of course, I hope so. Okay, So my recent report. This ring reflected yellow、It is due to the immature my shooting skills. And, Next ring. In Progress. ...


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