Long time no see.

I was a little down. 古き友人達の誰かに、届くことを願うよ。 http://www.facebook.com/tokyo.magdalena http://kurohi.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/magdalena_u1 ...

I think this way is not easy.

long time no see. do you know? MAGDALENA begins to activation. Well, what "not easy" it is the Name MAGDALENA. This is the biggest secret, but I am a stupid sometimes. Yes, I did not consider the competition in the google search rank. In terms of my ability, the journey in order to get the MAGDALENA from here...

Finish and NEXT

And, considering a sale to other countries. However, I want you to rely on a site of this kind for a while. http://frontier-e.com/en/index.htm And, The next Japanese love the modest design.....

the Dawn will comes.

The pride that people gave to me once, is here now. MAGDALENA is upward-compatible with the BjD. ;p ...

Always, we want our selves.

it's not Something. maybe. ;p Well, maybe I'm a Professional of self-absorbed. if it is so, it's good. Gimme your help<3 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Magdalena/178737088966...


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