[BjD] Horn BOTIS

I am always making the horn recently. I know. It is because Kurohi is perhaps crazy about construction and the staff's promotion. (-谷- If you assist in BjD, you should buy everything! It's bad joke,haha. maybe... Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothic, © 2010 All Rights Reserv...

[BjD] Blue torch

3Size : Small, Medium, Large Cyber, Demon, BelialJapan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...

[BjD] Asteka series

ASTEKA-ON BACK "Let's vomit steam by the alien. " With this, you can become an atomization runner. Sound effect and an on-off function for the load reduction has adhered.  ASTEKA-04  04 doesn't have a special point. It is only gorgeous just a little compared with another. The price of 04 is one confirmation for BjD. I will bet L$10000 on less than ten 04 sales. ;p All members who bought 04 will get Customer Group VIP tag.   01-03 is comparatively low-priced. However, BjD avoids the bargain sale of the originality.  I wish the day on which the price that you like is set to come. Or, my withdrawal...


Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothic,Youtube,Jr...

Furfur is set up as Gift.

Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...


Color changer ,No mod 3SizeSet Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...

[BjD] Dragoon Wing T0K-2

The magic square is put out. The sound rings. The particle is put out. It doesn't react to the flight. It opens and shuts by touch. With built-in color changer. The wing like demon and dragon. 3size package      NO-MOD Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...

[ BjD ] Lemuria Tail-A

Lemuria series finals A. This is only Tail. color changer and tail move in this. Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothi...

[ BjD ] Lemuria Tail-B

Lemuria series finals B are combos of the tail and the waist parts. color changer and tail move in this. Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothi...

BjD Demonic wing T0K-2 coming soon

BjD Demonic wing T0K-2 coming soon Originally uploaded by Belial japanBjD Next product, Requested by Tokii. ty. If you had the request to me. My load will be reduced when you use Twitter when there is a request in the future. Use the public domain effectively. It invites a new meeting to our power. hmm.... This sentence is ok? lol Cyber,demon,demonic,サイバー,セカンドライフ,SL,Second Life Cybergoth,Cybernetic demon,dark,gothic,undergro...

Next product making & movie

oh,yeah. i know,i know. i dont have impossibility. However, I terribly become tired. giggles BjD next product........ XXXX: I want the wing. KD: Wing? this is it. However, I take time in making to No Mod very much. There is a large amount of work to have to put. I met a visitor glad today. Its you. BjD, Belial Japan, Cyber, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Gothic, Demon, Dev...

[BjD] Boots of Lemuria


[BjD] Lemuria Black Mask&Horn.

Sry,I do not have energy that writes the explanation now.In this package, there are Mask and Horn.Horn is an original thing for this set.Cyber, Demon, Goth, Sci-Fi, D...

Wind Light

I think that the language in the interface is not very important, do not change it to English, and am taking a picture....

[BjD] Torture prison

[BjD] Torture Prison Release.Originally uploaded by Belial japanThis product is made by the assumption set up in the dungeon and the house. This time, I prepared three kinds of use rights.  [ Public / Owner / Group ]Choose you a suitable thing from this three.  There are some scripts that operate by touch in the following part. This is a door in the cage of B-Type. A-type & B-type. Cage doorwayThese doors close by the automatic operation. Of course, it is also possible to shut by person's hand. However, the timer is a rather short.The shutter doesn't have the timer.  Touch again when closing. Pane part aims at mental pressure...

[BjD] Customer's gallery.

A lot of BjD's customers have a high sense of beauty. More people should see them. I do not hope it is concluded by SL.  The concept called demon is a thing that is much more major than the game. A lot of artists frequently used it for the theme of the art. I interpret demon as the alias of ***. Of course, this idea becomes a dangerous crime if it catches thoughtlessly. Therefore, beauty is a justice in BjD― The lover of the BjD product should right now do join to this. [BjD]  Customer's gallery. You are really an entertainment!!! Thats All, Alright?  There is a possibility that this topic is mysterious because Kurohi has become tired....

[ BjD ] Lemuria Black

[ BjD ] Lemuria Black ON SALE!!!Originally uploaded by bark AabyeThis image is excerpted from Flickr of Bark Aabye.この画像は Bark Aabye のFlickrから抜粋しています。The reactor in the back opens when it touches the waist parts, and vomits the particle to the behavior of avatar. 背後のリアクターは腰パーツにタッチすると開き、アバターの挙動に対しパーティクルを吐きます。Lemuria that Bark Aabye uses is not a special specification. Because Kurohi Dagger was tired, I forgot to POP. Bark Aabyeの使用しているLemuriaは特別仕様ではありません。Kurohi Daggerが疲れていた為、POPに対しては失念しました。There is neatly all goods reactor. 全品ブースターはちゃんと着いている。"Lemuria Black" Detailed supplementation.- Opening and shutting by touch. (reactor appearance)- reacts besides...

BjD did the schedule change.

Information was delayed. Opening a renewal area of BjD to the public has already been started now. and, The group member limitation concerning the pre-opening is released.  The perfection is about 60% still. However, if your goodwill is obtained, it will become my motive. This theme is "BjD that is whereabouts of people on the dark side. " Whether the resident authority cannot be involved though the residence room is not built is being considered now. It is scheduled to enhance it referring to your opinion demand in the future. インフォメーションが遅れました。 現在BjDのリニューアルエリアの公開を既にスタートしています。 加えて、プレオープンに関するグループメンバー制限を解除します。 その完成度はまだ60%程度ですが、あなたの好意を得られるのなら、 それは私のモチベに成るでしょう。 今回のテーマは、"BjD & Dark siderのラウンジ "です。 居住ルームを作らぬまま、レジデント権限を内包出来ないか、現在考慮しています。 皆さんの意見要望を参考に、今後拡張していく予定...

[BjD] Cage

 PRIM : 9    Anim numb : 10Script : No mod    Object : No copy檻の蓋はタッチで開閉します。 The lid of the basket opens and shuts by touch. コピーする際は必ず蓋を閉じて行って下さい。Shut the lid without fail and do when you copy it.ドロップするとインベントリーに製品が残りますが、それを大事に保持して下さい。Please maintain it importantly though the product remains in the inventory when REZ is done. 10th 8PM Sales are started for the group member. Release to public is the 14th. Cyber, Torture, BDSM, Demon, Go...

Schedule March.

Pre-open 8:00PM of the 10th(SLT)  - Teleporter  start from present main store. (It is necessary to activate BjD's Customer Group "[ BJ ] Belial JAPAN Development". ) Grand-open 8:00PM of the 14th(SLT)  - Random vender and various gift machine starts.  - The examination concerning the resident group begins.  - Furniture "Cage" sales beginning. Lemuria Black release is undecided. (Shortly perhaps) Other products release is undecided. - for Japanese - この程度の英語なら何となくわかると思うんだが~・・・・ わからなかったらホント気軽にIM下さい←面倒ら...

It is insufficient(JP)

Welcome to my toxicity. however, I am allowed to do for a moment for the Japanese this topic. ●セカンドライフって面白い? 馬鹿か貴様?(笑 お前が電話自体を別段面白く思わない様に、セカンドライフ自体は面白い物ではない。 「それがあるからどんな可能性があるのか」「その向こうに誰がいるのか」 人生その物をエンジョイ出来ないヤツが、Second Life(予備の人生)を楽しめる筈が無い。 お前はお前に過ぎないと云う事だ。 「生きている、自分が自分である、活きている」 これ以上に面白い事を世界に望むなんて愚の骨頂。 ●セカンドライフなんて意味あるの?(笑 あるねぇ。 少なくともゲームじゃないからこその価値がある。 リアル通貨が擬似通貨を経由するからこそ、資産的価値も微妙にある。 実績も行いも維持し続ければ残り続ける。 「国と云うミクロな見解を捨てさえすれば」の話だがな? 当然、ゲームなんかするより万倍マシ。 これは Life だからな。 平気で自分を偽ったり、偽名でコロコロ過去を捨てるヤツに実感なんて伴う筈が無い。 ●なぜセカンドライフが盛り上がらないか 所詮、SLの有力者 なんてリアル二軍の人間だ。 色んな意味でこの公言を詫びたい。 中には勿論、二軍(二流)で在りたい、アーティスティックな人間も居る。 愛すべき馬鹿ってヤツだ。 ノーマルな二軍連中は本来、一軍を目指しリアルで切磋琢磨する物だ。 つまり、馬鹿が少なければ、セカンドライフは維持されない。 一軍は一軍で、他所でやってるんだからこそ、セカンドライフでやる必要が無い。 下記へ派生する。 ●なぜセカンドライフが衰退するか 俺を含め、我の強いヤツラばかりだからだろうな? 俺達は皆ライバルであり、皆自分が強いと信じている。 そうであって欲しいと願っている。...

Gift for grand opening on the 14th.

Some gifts are prepared on the 14th. 14日には複数のギフトが用意されます。 今後は私は私自身が製品価値が無いと感じるアイテムを積極的にギフトやランダムベンダーで貴方に届けるでしょう。 Hereafter, I will positively send it to you through a gift and a random vender. As a result, an imperfect thing for me is scheduled to appear on the market, too. My eyes are original of me. As for this, the size of the iris is smaller than the product of the market. I also understand what is lovely. However, neither cuteness nor gloss coexists. "Even if it is small, it still has a strong sense of existence." It is one of the conditions of the beauty that I think about. Yeah, from by BjD 1st armor set. This is Ver1.2...

Lemuria Black Proto.

BjD 復旧後3作目はLemuria Black(仮)造型もさる事ながら、今回はスクリプトに凝っている。 詳細はまだ明かさないが、スカート部分やマスクそしてHUDが付いている。上手くコツを掴めば、フライトアシストが不要になるだろう。 Bark Aabye他数名に差し上げたんで、既に知ってる人も居るかも知れないね。 Mensも同様に作る予定だったのだが、 どうしても、バランスの都合上腰パーツが男には似合わない。 それでも欲しいなら、自由意志で買え。 I do not think the waist parts contained in SET suit the man. Still, if you buy it, I do not stop it of course. Attention Neither the layer clothes nor the collar,  etc. are bundled to SET this time. 俺が作らなくても、他に良いブランド沢山あるだろ。 再来月辺りから、練習を兼ねて 格安で服レイヤーを描く練習でもします。 今回はサウンドギミックが面白い パーティクルも燻し銀な量で仕込まれてるのがまぁ 俺らしさなんじゃないのかな? particle and sound are generated according to a special condition. Information on...

I found good Musician.

Yeah, i found good band. it is Good. Good is ...

For dear Cyber&Gothic&Demonic

グループメンバー限定プレオープン。 pre-opens by the group member limitation. 今回、俺はオーバーワークのせいでパーティーを催せない。 This time, I cannot throw a party because of overwork. 私はそれを残念に思う。 I regret it. 14日がグランドオープンに成りますが、6商品から成るランダム販売機を用意しています。 A random vending machine that consists of six commodities is prepared though the 14th becomes a grand opening. BjDはセカンドライフに誕生して以来、今年で3歳です。 BjD is three years old this year after it is born in the Second Life. もしそれが人ならばそろそろ、喋りを習得する頃でしょう。 If it is a person, the talk is acquired slowly. 我ながらこの先どう変わるか、非常に興味深い。 How it will change hereafter is very interesting though it is me. 私はしばしば、翻訳が滅茶苦茶な日があります。 I often have the...

[BjD] Horn - Gula

The horn of seven mortal sins, 5th "Gula".暴食を司るGula is Latin language. (Gluttony)Beelzebub: It is known that it is Lord Of The Flies in Japan. Satan's name doesn't have general acknowledgment in Japan. eat. You eat, and excrete. It keeps eating the world without avariciously satisfying it. The world is formed through the person, and the world is done so and consists. He says "Now eat me".Cyber, Demon, Go...


SL=Danger of death from overwork. と云う訳で Japane is 4:24AM now. 俺はこのままでは死んでしまう。 余裕が出来たら改めて真面目に作るつもりだ。 リサイズしてもう一回。...

BjD Renewal is soon.

The Customer Group member will get the chance to visit for New BjD on March 10 if I do not change the schedule.Grand open is 14th March.Door is 8PM(SLT) at both days.俺の使う英語なら日本人も理解できる範囲だと思うのですが、どうだろうね。大丈夫だよー!とか言って貰えると気楽なんだが、経験上望むべくも無い(笑Main store : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Gomorra/177/158/23今行っても、リニューアル前なんで よろしく。oops、画像が縦伸びしてる・・...


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