[BjD] Blue torch

3Size : Small, Medium, Large Cyber, Demon, BelialJapan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...

[BjD] Asteka series

ASTEKA-ON BACK "Let's vomit steam by the alien. " With this, you can become an atomization runner. Sound effect and an on-off function for the load reduction has adhered.  ASTEKA-04  04 doesn't have a special point. It is only gorgeous just a little compared with another. The price of 04 is one confirmation for BjD. I will bet L$10000 on less than ten 04 sales. ;p All members who bought 04 will get Customer Group VIP tag.   01-03 is comparatively low-priced. However, BjD avoids the bargain sale of the originality.  I wish the day on which the price that you like is set to come. Or, my withdrawal...


Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothic,Youtube,Jr...

Furfur is set up as Gift.

Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...


Color changer ,No mod 3SizeSet Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...

[BjD] Dragoon Wing T0K-2

The magic square is put out. The sound rings. The particle is put out. It doesn't react to the flight. It opens and shuts by touch. With built-in color changer. The wing like demon and dragon. 3size package      NO-MOD Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Goth...

[ BjD ] Lemuria Tail-A

Lemuria series finals A. This is only Tail. color changer and tail move in this. Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothi...

[ BjD ] Lemuria Tail-B

Lemuria series finals B are combos of the tail and the waist parts. color changer and tail move in this. Cyber, Demon, Belial Japan, Secondlife, Gothic, SL, Cyberpunk, Cybergoth, Avatar, サイバー, セカンドライフ, Gothi...


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